
السلام علىكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

This blog is an attempt to look at Error and Contrastive analysis from an Islamic point of view. The purpose of this blog is to share and exchange information with people all over the world. This particular subject is chosen because we think that it is one of the most interesting subjects in Linguistics. Error and Contrastive Analysis deals with how people make certain errors in their daily language usage as well as how their native language is said to influence their target language.
We will try our best to share every information and knowledge that we have learned from our lecturer and all the discussions that we have inside and outside the class. May Allah (s.w.t.) show us the guidance and light our hearts with true Islamic knowledge.
انشالله (^_^)

Sunday 10 March 2013

#WEEK 5: Designing Effective Power Point Presentation


Islam is the true religion which emphasizes knowledge. This is proven by the first revelation from Allah SWT that says, “Iqra’”. There is also a hadith that says, “Convey from me, even it is one word.”

In order to convey the ‘ilm to others, we have to do it in a correct and proper way. This is just to ensure that the audience gets the real message that we want to convey and of course it is to show that we really want to share with them what we know. One of the method to convey the knowledge is of course through the learning and teaching method in schools and universities. In those two institutions, we usually use power point presentations as the tool in class.

The purpose of creating the power point presentation is to assist the listeners towards things that we are going to present. Therefore we need to take care of some aspects in order to make the presentation affective, yet informative.

We agree on the five points that Madam Rozina had highlighted in last week’s class (4th March 2013). According to the slides, the text of a good power point presentation should be big, simple, clear, progressive and consistent. The text should be simple but all of them should be full with meanings. Using pictures in power point presentation is nice but make sure to put them accordingly and they have to be related with the topics that we are presenting. We can also use mind maps with attaractive shapes and colours in order to keep audience interested to listen to us. The background should be simple with some pictures at the corner or simple borders. If possible, we should avoid using pictures like this,

 as the background. It is too thread-like strand isn’t it ? Do not make the audience feel distracted with the pictures, too much animations and also how the text in the slides are presented. That is the main rule in creating a good power point presentation. 


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