
السلام علىكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

This blog is an attempt to look at Error and Contrastive analysis from an Islamic point of view. The purpose of this blog is to share and exchange information with people all over the world. This particular subject is chosen because we think that it is one of the most interesting subjects in Linguistics. Error and Contrastive Analysis deals with how people make certain errors in their daily language usage as well as how their native language is said to influence their target language.
We will try our best to share every information and knowledge that we have learned from our lecturer and all the discussions that we have inside and outside the class. May Allah (s.w.t.) show us the guidance and light our hearts with true Islamic knowledge.
انشالله (^_^)

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Overall Reflections

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah the Almighty for giving us a chance to learn and complete this course. Throughout the semester we have learnt a lot from the given tasks. Thanks to our lecturer, Dr. Rozina who has helped us in comprehending the lessons.

Through this subject, we realized that technology does influence us in so many things, including in education. Computer, especially is a very great tool invented by the previous inventors in accommodating us towards greater knowledge which by the information can be received just at the tip of our fingers. There are many softwares and applications in the computer that we can use in order to improve and increase our knowledge. Blog is one of the online applications that is utilized by us to share information with people all over the world regarding the advantages of computer applications in language studies as well as propagating Islamic knowledge to others.

Honestly, all these while, we admit that we usually use computers as a medium for us to socialize and also for entertainment. Everyday we login to our social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter just to update things that we did and posted photos on Instagram that we think people would like to see. On weekend, we often download movies and some new songs to be put into our MP3 player and phones. However, after attending this class, we realized that we use the technology given by Allah SWT for something which cannot contribute to our hereafter. We regretted it. Hence, we pray to Allah that we will be given a strong faith and determination to use every single things that He grant to us as the tools in propagating Islam, our true religion.

Other than that, even though the tasks given by our lecturer are quite tough, we managed to learn a lot of things that we do not know before and we find it very useful to us in the present as well as in our future undertakings. By doing the assignments together in a group, we have learnt that cooperation and teamwork are actually the most important basic things that we need to have. Without them, all the work given could not be accomplished and the group will be in chaos. Hence, as our group has done our best in cooperating with each other, the tasks given are said to be a success. InshaAllah.

Islamization of Error and Contrastive Analysis

Error and Contrastive Analysis is one of the prominent subjects in Linguistics that we should be highly concerned of. We have chosen the subject to be integrated with Islamization because to learn something without relating it to our religion and Creator seems to be deficient and incomplete. Unlike the westerns, we should never secularize our knowledge from our religion and Creator.

In general, Error and Contrastive Analysis teaches us about how we can analyze the types and causes of language errors. By looking at the errors that people constantly make, we can try to improve our language better and find solutions in order to overcome the problems faced in the contemporary usage. As language is the medium where messages are delivered to others as a way of communication, it is important for us to preserve our language and protect it from any harm that can diminish its aesthetical values. Plus, in this subject too, we have learned about how to compare between cultures that use different languages. By learning this, it helps us to understand how vast this world is to hold different varieties of cultures and languages and how we should embrace the differences and accept others without being prejudice and bias to our own culture. We have to respect other people’s different ways of life and try to understand them. 

This subject as we mainly know is taught in English and the researchers are mostly western scholars. Most of them hence, do not include the religion perspectives in their studies. In Islam however, we practice that everything in this world must be related to religion and Allah. Worldly matters cannot be secularized and should be integrated with religion especially education. Therefore, we should learn and practice the Islamization of knowledge as by doing so we are more grounded to our belief system and closer to Allah. By practicing this also, we can be more humble in our judgments and perceptions as Islam is a religion of moderation and humility.



o   A branch of applied linguistics which is taking linguistic knowledge and methods and applying these to the forensic context of law, investigation, trial, and punishment.

o   The discipline of forensic linguistics is not standardized; it involves a range of experts and researchers in different areas of the field. Some of the areas are:

From an Islamic point of view, forensic linguistics is one of the ways in applying justice towards the wrongly accused person. We as Muslims have been instructed to do justice and be truthful witnesses towards other people. 



·         A sub-discipline of computational linguistics.
·         It is the study of patterns formed in particular texts, authors, genres, periods via computational methods.

Relevance or application to Language Learning or Language Research
·         To determine the style of literary works; grammar, lexis, semantics, phonological properties.
·         To identify linguistic features; Arbitrariness, creativity' or 'open-endedness‘, Cultural transmission.

Through computational stylistics we learnt that there are so many ways to interpret or analyse a text especially literary text. By using computer as one of the medium to interpret the text, many negative things can be detected by the analysts and also avoided by the writer such as plagiarism. 




Lexicography means the study of words. Technically, it means the study that deals with everything concerning with words. Lexicographers are people who study lexicography. Lexicographers deal primarily with the creation and editing of dictionaries.

Based on the dictionaries created by lexicographers, language learners can read interpretations and meanings of the target language. An example of a dictionary used by most UIA students is called Kamus Al-Farid that provide meanings of Arabic words in both English and Malay. It also provide the way to use Arabic together with the explanations syntactically and grammatically.

Through lexicography, Muslims are able to create dictionaries to learn Arabic for different language speakers around the world. Nowadays, we have Arabic-English dictionaries, Arabic-Malay dictionaries, Arabic-Chinese dictionaries and et cetera. By having these dictionaries, it is easier for Muslims to learn the words of the Qur'an better and spread da'wah to others.

Ibn Al-Khaldn (d. 1406) defines lexicography as,
"The science of instituted elements of language. That primarily concerned with semiotic relations and contrasts between the elements of vocabulary." 



Concordance as what has been illustrated above is a piece of software, either installed on a computer or accessed through websites can be utilized to search, access, and analyze language from a corpus. It is very helpful and practical especially for us, students of English language and Literature. In order for us to increase our understanding and fluency in English, the use of concordance helps us a lot in learning the language faster and easier. There are many advantages that we can get from the learning of concordance and one of them is that it helps us to check and reconfirm our assumptions about the way words are used in different contexts. Plus, concordance also helps the teacher or lecturer to use authentic samples as examples to demonstrate the language they are teaching to the students. This somehow is very advantageous to us who want to become the future educators.



Corpus linguistics involves the use of large corpora which consists of thousands or millions of words in a database. To make life easier, the computer is the best tool to use for corpus linguists. The roles of computer in corpus linguistics are very important as computers are used to store huge amount of texts or to retrieve a huge amount of texts. Other than that, the computer is also used as a tool to provide accurate reliability of occurrence of specific linguistic terms.

Corpus linguistics also cover various types of languages which include English, French, Arabic and so on. Corpus linguistics is very important for language learners as it provide learners a huge database to learn language. An example of a useful corpus for Muslims is the Quranic Arabic Corpus which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology of each word in the Holy Qur'an.

In an Islamic point of view, we feel that corpus linguistics can help Muslims understand Islam deeply in a short period of time. Like the example shown above, by using corpora, it is easier for Muslims to understand the true meaning of the Qur'an and also believe the authenticity of the Qur'an. We believe that corpus linguistics is not just important for the English language but also other languages including Arabic which is the language of the Qur'an, our Holy Book.

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