
السلام علىكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

This blog is an attempt to look at Error and Contrastive analysis from an Islamic point of view. The purpose of this blog is to share and exchange information with people all over the world. This particular subject is chosen because we think that it is one of the most interesting subjects in Linguistics. Error and Contrastive Analysis deals with how people make certain errors in their daily language usage as well as how their native language is said to influence their target language.
We will try our best to share every information and knowledge that we have learned from our lecturer and all the discussions that we have inside and outside the class. May Allah (s.w.t.) show us the guidance and light our hearts with true Islamic knowledge.
انشالله (^_^)

Wednesday 13 March 2013



A Summary of an Empirical Article on CALL in Speaking Skills. 

The title of the article that we have found, A Research on a Student-Centered Teaching Model in an ICT-based English Audio-Video Speaking Class was taken from International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2010, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 101-123.

In the article, the authors intend in investigating the achievability of the student-centered teaching model utilized in an English audio-video speaking class (EAVSC) in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) environments at their university through two quantitative longitudinal case studies. They mention the past system of learning English where it is focusing on students’ linguistics ability rather than their communicative ability and now the system has changed from the teacher-centered to student-centered in order to improve the students’ communicative ability. That is when the system of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) emerges where the teachers are able to provide the opportunities for the students to familiarize themselves by communicating with each others. After that, the English Audio-Video Speaking Class (EAVSC) is being introduced to the teachers so that they can take full advantage of the use of ICT in teaching and enhancing their students’ ability in English speaking skill.

In the study, the authors have referred some works from the previous researchers which one of them is the teaching model under Constructivism. According to the theory of constructivism, learning is the process of meaning construction under a certain situation (i.e. social-cultural background), through resourcing, cooperating and interacting with people (Brent 1995; Chris 1995). Thus, this teaching methodology is relating to EAVSC where the students are required to communicate with the teacher and classmates in order to acquire their target language. Besides that, the authors are also referring to the Bachman’s Communicative Language Ability (CLA) model. According to Bachman, language competence comprises essentially a set of specific knowledge components that are utilized in communication via language (Bachman 1990, pp. 84-85). After that, there is the philosophy of Learner-Centered Education which has been improved by the appearance of Communicative Language Teaching. Through this method, students are in charge with their own learning processes while being supervise by the teacher within the classroom time.

In the article, the authors describe what actually the English Audio-Video Speaking Class is. It is classes where the students can easily get interact with each other even without face-to-face contact and being carried out in a digital audio lab provided with internet access and interconnected by an ICT facility, a digital learning system (WE-LL6000). The main teaching methodology that was being adopted in EAVSC is the Bachman’s theory of Communicative Language Ability (CLA). Then, the authors are also give out the activities done in this class which are pair-work dialogues, group discussions, debates, video-based role-plays or voiceover, and also personal statements. There is also some previous research that had been done concerning the EAVSC.

In the study, the authors explore two research questions which are; what kind of role does the ICT facility, in particular, the digital learning system (WE-LL6000) play in the EAVSC?, and does this teaching model in the ‘student-centered’ EAVSC in CALL environments achieve feasibility and effectiveness in enhancing students’ speaking abilities and their communicative language abilities? The subjects targeted for this research were 130 non-English majors’ students of P.R. China, specializing in the field of Computer Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, and Electronic Engineering. All of them took the National College English Test Band Four (CET-4) and scored above 576/710. Then, the students will be divided into two independent classes in two semesters where 66 students in the first semester while another 64 students in the second semester and both of the classes being instructed by the same teacher. The context of the teaching is where both the students and the teacher is being equipped with audio communication and the teacher would divided the class either into groups or pairs for the given tasks and then will supervise and also record the students’ performances. Then, the instruments used in this research are the questionnaire, tests and also the data collection and analysis. The questionnaire was being distributed to the students at the end of each semester in order to survey the teaching and learning effects of a student-centered teaching model in an EAVSC in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) environments and the using of the textbook Learning English through Culture: Viewing, Listening, Speaking. The tests were divided into two; pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was conducted in the beginning of each semester in order to test the students’ proficiency while the post-test was conducted after the whole semester’s training and the topics were the similar topics with the pre-test. Lastly, the data collection and analysis were being done through the collection from pre-test and post-test.

The rationale behind the use of the English Audio-Video Speaking Course (EAVSC) as to improve students’ English speaking skills is to provide a favourable communicative environment to stimulate their desire for interacting in the target language (English) and to create multiple opportunities for them to practice. If we compare this way of teaching students to speak English with the traditional way, we will notice that the traditional way emphasize more on explaining linguistics facts, and only few interactive activities were organized. This provides less space for the students to actually practice what they learn in English class.

In the EAVSC, the time for students to interact with one another is far more than the time allocated for the teachers to introduce the topic for the day. The students’ way of interacting with each other is either as a pair-work dialogues, small group discussions, big group discussions or debates, video-based role plays or voice overs and personal statements. However based on a result done as in the first survey, the most preferred styles of interaction are the pair work and the group work. Almost all of the subjects preferred the pair and group work. They said, pair work and group work gave them more chances to speak and to interact unlike the other styles which gave them smaller opportunities to talk because of the large number of speakers waiting for their turn to speak.

As for the second survey, the students were asked on the effectiveness of the ICT-based language lab in increasing students’ language production. The students agree that the use of CALL environment does actually help them in increasing their level of English proficiency. Based on the result, almost half of the subjects state that the use of computer is helpful towards their improvement.

In the third survey, the students were asked on their opinion of the teachers’ responsibilities in the EAVSC. More than half students give the same feedback that the new teachers’ responsibility in the ICT-based language lab is mainly to develop the students’ communicative language ability. In an ordinary classroom where no computer was used as in previous years, the role of a teacher is as a leader in the classroom. However, in this new form of learning space, their task is more to facilitate and observe the progress of the students in development of their English speaking skills.

In the fourth survey, the question is about the time that the students spent in doing their oral practice. 53.66% (more than half) of the students said that they made their oral practice in 50% to 75% of the entire period spent in the language lab. Therefore, this result also indirectly shows that the students are no longer passive information receivers but active participants in negotiating with the teacher for background information and in communicating with peers.

In terms of application of the textbook, some questionnaire data had been collected. Approximately, 98.37% of the students were satisfied with the textbook and the CD-ROM, especially with its rich and cultural knowledge and unique cross-cultural perception. The second data shows that 95.32% students proclaimed that the textbook was aiding them well in improving their listening and speaking proficiency.

When a survey conducted to ask their level of satisfaction with the EAVSC, 99.38% of them answered that they were satisfied with the way EAVSC treated them. They claimed that EAVSC really helped them in increasing their capability in English speaking skills and almost 100% agreed that by doing all the communicative activities and oral presentations, they can improve their listening and speaking proficiency. In the next survey on the effectiveness of the teacher’s help, 95.12% of them declared that the teacher was helpful in their learning process.

In overall, the role of ICT facility is a competent tool and it does help as an intermediate medium between the teacher and the students and it does help the researchers to keep data efficiently in a virtual space. The changes in the roles of the teachers and students are obvious. The students were no longer passive in class and the teachers were assisting the students in their tasks in the language lab. Overall, this new teaching method using CALL is a success.


Zhihong Lu, L. H. (2010). A Research on a Student-Centered Teaching Model in an ICT-based English Audio-Video Speaking Class. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) Vol.6 , 101-123. Retrieved March 10, 2013 from


Lesson Plan for Speaking Skill using Computer Applications

Class/Level: Centre for Foundation Studies students (KIRKHS)
Date: 13/3/2013
Time: During the speaking class (80 minutes)
Proficiency level of students: Level 6 students                     
Theme: EPT / TOEFL
Topic: TOEFL’s questions are similarly same as EPT’s.
Language skill: Speaking
General objective: To enhance student’s vocabulary, pronunciation and speaking skills.

Specific objectives: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:
To pronounce words correctly.
 To improve student’s speaking and communication skills.
 To acquire new vocabularies.

Materials required for lesson:         
TOEFL iBT Speaking Conqueror
Powerpoint slides for instructions

Students' skill to speak up their answers to the questions provided.
Students’ capability to construct answers in a limited time.
Students’ skill to speak texts with no major mistakes/errors.

Example of TOEFL iBT Speaking Conqueror


In this modern 21st Century, technology is vastly used. The young generation is the one that is most compatible with the technology. They cannot be detached from the technology even in a day. Thus, the use of computer in the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is a brilliant way to attract the youngsters in learning and it is an effective way of learning language as we can use the software and the interactive programs that are already installed in the computer.

Generally, the research that we did the summary on it above is an example of a good research done to investigate the effectiveness of using an ICT-based English audio-video speaking class in order to increase the students’ level of competence in English language. Their method of experiment is logic and practical in reality by all institutions in Malaysia. Thus, this method of teaching is applicable to all schools or higher institution if they intend to practice this method.

In our opinion, it is somehow quite nice if we can implement this way of teaching as majority of fresh graduates from universities, be it government or private ones, cannot speak fluent English. They may be good in other aspects of English like in reading and writing but to speak, they are not that good. To get a better example, try to look at students from rural areas. They are not so proficient in speaking English if compared to students from urban areas. They are not used to speak English unlike those students who live in big cities. Students originating from Kuala Lumpur, for example, are fluent in expressing their thoughts in English and they may not have any problems in speaking English simply because they are used to it as they mingle with their friends who are just the same like them, trained in speaking English since their early age. In the meantime, students from rural areas, they did not have those chances. Maybe because of the lack of awareness and when only minority of them used to speak English, they are not getting a conducive environment to practice the language. However, if all educational institutions in Malaysia can use this method of English teaching, it would be a very good step towards the betterment of all. Insha Allah. 

We also have learned how to create a lesson plan. Lesson plan is actually a teacher’s thorough description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson. We are instructed to make a lesson plan on how to teach speaking skills to students using computer applications. In order to do this, we need to think of the ways to introduce and teach the students of the new software that we plan to employ. There are many advantages that we get from doing this project. First and foremost, creating the lesson plan actually improves our knowledge as well as skills in teaching since the need of lesson plan for a teacher is actually of an utmost importance. Besides that, by creating the lesson plan, the goal of our task can be outlined and organized. We also learn that in every step or way of teaching, there is an objective that we have to achieve. Furthermore, by having a lesson plan, a teacher can utilize all the time given in the class productively and there will be no procrastination taken place.

In Islam, to be organized and clean is very much liked by our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Besides that, Islam also discourages us or dislikes people who procrastinate or waste their time with useless things.


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